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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

NST's & AFI's

We now start going in weekly for Non-Stress Tests and Amniotic Fluid Inspections. I think that's what AFI stands for, anyway. :-)

It means Meg taking a few half-days off of work, which we are NOT thrilled about, but what can you do?

They strap you up with these lovely elastic bands, and attached are a heart monitor and another monitor that measures contractions. They monitor baby's heart rate while you push a button every time you feel baby move. They're looking for an increase in her heart rate every time she moves. Then you get an ultrasound that measures the amount of fluid around the baby's body, making sure that's all ok.

Well, so far, so good!!! Everybody's measuring fine, with everything that's measurable. We have weekly doctor appointments after these tests. We're all scheduled up to our due date.

So that's the latest on Baby D. All good. And lots of movement.

OH! And she decided to turn head-down! YAY! *Stay there, kid, ok?*

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