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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Name Game Clue 7 - Week 35

A math word problem for you all...

Last Week, Meg stopped by a craft store and purchased some items to make a wall decoration for Baby D. This decoration will include her name, spelled out in wooden letters, strung up with ribbon.

Meg walked up to the check-out counter with two rolls of ribbon, a can of glossy spray urethane, and the letters required to spell out Baby D's name. Including NJ sales tax, the total cost of these items was $23.10. How many letters are in Baby D's name?

Here is some algebra to get you started:

a = the cost of a letter
b = the cost of a roll of ribbon
c = the cost of the urethane spray
x = the quantity of letters purchased

((x * a) + 2b + c)*1.07 = 23.10

Solve for x

Get out those calculators and start guessing!!


Anonymous said...

You guys are DIABOLICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hated school and I hated algebra THE MOST!! I hope your child is born bearing the name ELPHABA!!! But, that being said, I'm following the popular vote of Madeleine this week. Why? Because no one really knows how to spell it and, being teachers, your goal in life is to make things hard on everyone else!!!
Aunt Cyndee

Anonymous said...

Remember the red bra?

Anonymous said...

Since you have not given enough information to solve the problem, my name guesses are:
Insufficient Information D'Errico
Not Applicable D'Errico
No Answer D'Errico
and Null (sorry, can't think of a middle name for that!)


Here's an algebra problem for you...
a= cost of turkey, b=cost of bread, c=jar of mayo. I paid $4.67, how much was the turkey per pound? And for bonus points, did I put a slice of cheese on my sandwich? And if so, what kind?