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Sunday, October 01, 2006

Name Game Clue 5 - 32 Weeks

Here's your Name Game clue for week 32 - hey that rhymed!

She could appear a dark-haired bambina, or have little blonde ringlets (think Gretel Von Trapp) - or be bald as a cue ball! BUT:

Her name will NOT reflect her ethnicity in any particular way.

So you can put away your Francesa Antonia's and your Hilda Briggita's right now, sorry.


Anonymous said...

Okay, since it's not an ethnic name, I think you are going to name your daughter after a famous female composer. I have selected "Amy," after Amy Cheney Beach, an American composer in the early 1900s. I think that fits with the other criteria, though I can't decide on a middle name! (Aunt Cyndee)

Anonymous said...

Well, after Aunt Cyndee's guess of the week, and obvious hours of research, I'm, well, I'm humbled. My mind's blank. I need to think...

Anonymous said...

In honor of Meg's love of Mexican food, I hereby present the following name options: Gordita, Chalupa, Quesadilla, and Burrita.

Anonymous said...

Ok, seriously now. My guesses are Carolyn, Kathleen, and Sandra.