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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Round-Up and Pictures

We had a very nice Christmas. It was Maddie's 2nd, and she was LOTS of fun this year (for some reason, last year all she wanted to do was lay around!). Meg's Dad visited a few weeks ago when Cait graduated from Millersville, so we had Christmas with him then, and he helped us decorate our tree.
We traveled to Gettysburg on Christmas Eve day. We were originally planning to visit w/ Meg's paternal grandparents first, but Meg's grandfather had to unexpectedly hospitalized for lung problems. He's fine now, and they're home and well, but we had a bit of scare for a while there! We went to the family service at Meg's old church. Maddie was NOT happy about sitting through the service, and we were disappointed that they'd changed a few things since Meg was a kid - no more live nativity play where all the children come up to sit with the infant "Jesus" and sing "Away in a Manger" together with their parents. Phooey. But we took pictures and went home to, uh, wait for Santa. Christmas morning we opened Santa's presents and went to Meg's maternal grandparents' house and exchanged gifts and had a nice Christmas dinner with family. The 26th we drove to visit Meg's newly-discharged grandparents, home from the hospital, visited a while, and drove home at night.
On the 27th we had a wonderful Christmas dinner at Bob's family's house and discovered that Maddie loves escarole soup. We exchanged gifts with Bob's family and had a very nice evening. Now we're home and enjoying the remainder of Christmas break, playing with new toys (Maddie's and ours) and pretending we don't have to get back to the grind in a few days.

Tree and Presents with Granddad

Playing with Graddad, December 07

Chrismtas at the Thieme's 2007

Pictures from the 27th are on the way!

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