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Friday, December 28, 2007

12-Month appointment - At 1 year, 1 month, 1 week, and 1 day old!

Ok, so we're a little late. We finally had Maddie's 12-month Dr.'s appointment this morning. Long story; we were scheduled at our old pediatrician, but we haven't been particularly thrilled with them since Maddie's reflux days, and we procrastinated a bit, then scheduled this appointment w/ a family doctor who came with a big, glowing recommendation from a coworker and friend of Meg's (thank you, G-man). So we saw the new guy this morning, and we were impressed with both the doctor and the office. ANYway:

Maddie's healthy and doing nicely. She's doing great developmentally and 'quite healthy'. She was a tall drink of water (whole milk?) at 30 inches tall. She actually lost weight since her 9-month appointment, but he said that's to be expected because the increased activity that comes with early toddlerhood. She was in the 60th percentile for height and the 30th for weight. After her 3rd trip crawling around the exam table, he asked if she was "this active" all the time. (Ok, should we be waiting for the ADHD call from her Kindergarten teacher, or what?) I said that yes, she's a mover and a shaker at home, too, and he said that not only is that the obvious cause of her weight loss, but that high activity levels in children her age is actually a sign of greater intelligence. Here's hoping! The doctor said that we just have to make sure that she's eating well and not skipping meals to go jogging around the yard. I'll also be wondering exactly whose child she is, if that's ever the case!

And of course she had her chicken pox and flu booster shot, and her TB test. She's forgiven me for those, but she was pretty mean to the doctor afterwards. Hopefully she'll forgive and forget till next time.

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