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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Maddie Update - May 31st 2007

Such "fun".

Well, we've been told you either get a great eater who doesn't sleep well, or a great sleeper who doesn't eat well.
We got the latter.

BUT, she's definitely showing some family traits with all this reflux drama. (Mommy, Nana, Uncle Nick, Pappy, we all have tummy troubles. How sweet of her to take after us!)

We just switched medicines and formulas, so we'll see how that goes. BUT she's quite happily taking cereal, fruits, and veggies now, so that helps a lot with growing a strong baby. She especially likes peaches, peas, and sweet potatoes. We'll be trying those "interesting" jars of meat shortly, and then on to stage 2 foods!

She's learning to put herself to sleep for naps and bedtime very well, and she's is rollin' everywhere. She creeps (pre-crawls) in a circle, and inches backwards every now and then. The baby gates are going up ASAP. She loves to shriek and see the reaction it gets from people (Mommy and Daddy are immune now.) She's getting very attached to us, and if you leave her alone in the room, boy do you hear about it! She loves to sit in her high chair, play with toys, and watch you make dinner. She's great at manipulating toys and gets vocal when you take away one of her favorites. She's still very happy and smiley and responds to her name when you call her. We took her swimming in the pool for the first time yesterday and she really seemed to love it- kicking and splashing everywhere! She's our growing girl!

Shannon is away this week - her sister, our cousin Tara is getting married in Georgia! (Congrats Tara!!!) So Maddie has a host of babysitters this week and next:
Monday: Memorial Day - Mommy & Daddy off!
Tuesday: Shannon Day
Wednesday: Daddy Day
Thursday: Mommy Day
Friday: Gramy Day
Monday: Nana & Pop Day
Tuesday: Aunt Laura in the morning, Mommy in the afternoon.

Daddy got out the camera yesterday afternoon, and look at the cute results!

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