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Thursday, May 03, 2007

5 Months, 1 Week & 6 Days old update

Just a health update. Maddie's been having trouble eating the amount of formula her pediatrician thinks she should be getting, and after a visit to Dr. Lerch we've confirmed that it's acid reflux again. He increased the amount of Zantac we give her and we're watching her eating closely. She was on track growth-wise at her appointment on Monday: 16 lbs. 5 oz. and 26 inches long, still healthy as a horse. (A little congested though. Perhaps allergies like Mommy & Daddy?) Dr. Lerch had us increase the amount of cereal we give her too. It gets formula into her and it helps her tummy problems. We also switched her up to a fast bottle nipple and that makes feedings easier. We've seen a slight increase in the amount that she eats since Monday. If she's not showing a marked improvement in 10 days she'll have to see a pediatric GI doctor and have an upper GI procedure to really check on her tummy.

Maddie has also ventured into the world of green vegetables bravely and has tackled peas like a pro. She eats them like a champ, and we're very excited to keep trying veggies and to move on to fruits shortly.

Except when the reflux bothers her she's still quite happy and hearty. She's rolling back to front and front to back and she looks like she's getting ready to try creeping along (eary crawling) very soon. She's VERY motivated to grab those toys! She still loves loves LOVES the Jumperoo - good excercise for crazy-kicky legs!

She's still doing well at Shannon's during the day, and she's sleeping quite well at night. Mommy and Daddy dread the day when they'll have to attempt to take the paci away, because WOW does it help her sleep fast! Hopefully she'll outgrow the need on her own. We're definitely not making any paci-stealing until summer.

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