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Thursday, August 23, 2007

New Videos & Bee Sting!

New videos taken this week:

Maddie's exploring the house, Max is entertaining, and Bob's "in his underwear":

"Maddie and the Baby in the Mirror"

And we had a bit of an interesting afternoon; We attempted to spend the afternoon at Gloucester Township park. We were planning to put Maddie on her first park swing (for babies). We brought a picnic, parked at a table, and we happily munched - she on her puffs. Then the yellow jackets came. 3 of them. We were trying to get them away, when Maddie started wailing out of the blue! She'd been stung! We think it was a regular bee, because supposedly yellow jackets don't lose their stingers when they sting, and there was clearly a stinger left in Maddie's arm. Maybe she smooshed it into the stroller seat with her arm.

Poor thing, she was such a trooper. I got the stinger out carefully and held her while DH put an ice pack on it. She cried for maybe 30 seconds and then proceeded to play with the ice pack happily. That's our girl!

We quickly packed up and hurried back to the car, calling Bob's mom to make sure it was indeed ice you're supposed to put on a bee sting (duh). The yellow jackets actually followed us to the car, and one charged me as I tried to get in. Got right in my face! It continued charing the car window, even as we drove away! We stopped at the grocery store to get meat tenderizer and made a paste for her arm. We had to put a sock on her arm to keep her from trying to eat the paste. Again, that's our girl!

She was absolutely fine though. She has a little red patch on her arm where she was stung, but no stinger mark left. She was fine all afternoon but very cranky in the evening, although she'd cheer up quickly if you tried the usual goofball stuff she likes. I put some cortizone on it and put her to bed early. So clearly she's not allergic to bee stings. Yay!

S0 that was our mildly scary afternoon.
~ Meg

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