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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

4 Months Old - Update!

Hello folks! It's been a while, we just thought we'd throw a little update your way before things get too busy...and before this info is out of date.

Maddie is 4 months old! Wow, time flies!

We had Maddie's Christening on the 18th. Maddie did a beautiful job, happy and smiling through the whole service and very social all day. We had about 40 people over after the service for her party, and we loved sharing Maddie's special day with so many friends and family. Scroll down for some great pics of the day.

She had a great 4th month check-up on March 19th. She weighed 13 lbs. 15 oz. You'll feed her one more time and she'll weigh 14 lbs.", said Dr. Lowe. She had 5 vaccines and didn't feel well for a few days afterwards, but she's all better now. She's also ready to start cereal! Dr. Lowe said we could start giving her rice cereal - she's got good head and upper body control, and it will hopefully help her with her reflux some, too. She's doing really well with it so far - she will even open her mouth for the spoon. "Here comes the airplane!" We got out her high chair and she loves to sit at the dinner table with us and have a few bites of cereal during dinner.

She's working on sitting up (been doing baby crunches!) and she's getting the hang of her Jumperoo. She's very into toys now; she's getting very interested in grabbing everything and trying to eat it. Tummy time still isn't her favorite, but Dr. Lowe said she had nice strong arms and a strong neck, so whatever time she spends on her tummy must be doing something.

Meg will be going back to work tomorrow (March 28th) after almost 5 months of maternity leave. Maddie will be staying with Shannon DeVol, Bob's cousin, during the daytime. Meg will miss Maddie very, very much, but she's also looking forward to wearing her teacher hat again. And anyway, Spring Break is just around the corner, and SUMMER isn't too far away, either. Hooray!

Well, naptime is sure to end soon, and there's lots of Maddie-playtime to be enjoyed on this last day of maternity leave. It's also 70+ degrees, so we'll have to hang out on the deck, take a walk in Gloucester Township park, and generally enjoy the day - and the baby!

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