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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

New Pictures!

Maddie pictures! (And check out the video below!) We're all doing well. Maddie is 11 pounds now, and a very happy baby. She's much happier now that she's on Zantac, too. She has reflux, but it's being controlled nicely by the medicine - now that we can get her to take it without spitting it out...we put it in her bottle and she's happy with the disgustingly minty flavor now.
She laughs a little and smiles a lot - but our biggest bragging rights come from the hours that she's not responsive at all. Maddie's been sleeping through the night for a while now - sometimes going as long as 10 or 11 hours! Mommy and Daddy are THRILLED (and better rested, for sure!). She's also taking bigger bottles and eating less frequently (5 oz., 5 times a day, usually).

We're still going out on the town: shopping, MOMS club, and Virtua's Mommy & Me Morning class, and she even came to handbell choir last Monday. We've also taken Maddie out to dinner twice, once to the diner and once to Adelphia's (anybody with kids knows that this is a BIG step - or rather, leap of faith!) Meg & Bob both enjoy 'wearing' her around in her sling, and she likes to work out with Mommy at home with their Mommy & Baby workout video. We've been to Meg's school to meet her friends and students, and she'll be visiting Bob's school shortly to be introduced around ML as well. We also brought Maddie to church last Sunday, and she didn't even distract the ushers! We're so proud of our girlie!

Anyway, enjoy the pictures and the new video. Love to everybody! Maddie says "hi!"

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