Friday, September 29, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Name Game Clue 4
Here is the name game clue for week 31:
Her FIRST name has more than one syllable.
Keep 'em coming!
Posted by
6:00 PM
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Week 31 Growth Scan Update
We had our 31 week Growth Scan yesterday at Virtua. Despite some moderate annoyances with parking (you never needed a stinkin' parking token to get out of the lot before, ever!) everything baby-wise went very well.
First of all, we got a great view of her face. She even waved to us! And the tech wasn't sure, but she thinks she saw hair! The pics are posted below. Yes, that's a face. Yes, it looks a little ghostly here, but trust me, she was pronounced a "cutey". I know, you had to be there.
Baby's measuring in at almost exactly 4lbs.
Her growth is great, still normal. She's measuring a week ahead, which is just fine, the doctor said. They always give you a 2-week window on either side before they begin to suspect an unusual growth rate. So she was measuring exactly 32 weeks. The doctor also said that since she's been about that far ahead for a while, it's possible that our due date is actually a week late. (Originally we had a due date of November 17th). But whatever. Either way, she's healthy.
Everything was measuring healthy - head, waist, leg, heart, fluid, etc.
Heartbeat was 150.
She's still breech, but the doctor assured me that we shouldn't even begin to worry about her position for at least 3 more weeks. I think I could have told them that she was still feet-down, seeing as she's still loving to step on my bladder. She thinks it's funny. Yeah, sweetie, reeeeaaaaly funny.
She still frequently gets the hiccups, and that's always fun. At first I thought, "Hey, my musical genius is kicking to a steady beat!" Nope, just hic-hic-hic-ing away.
Her kick counts are QUITE healthy. They give you up to an hour to feel 10 kicks. We've never needed more than 10 minutes. My kick-count chart is one straight line. They found that very amusing.
And speaking of kicking, to quote the ultrasound technician while she was trying to convince Baby D. to stay still long enough to get a measurement or two, "Um...she's moving this much now - you're in TROUBLE soon!"
Posted by
8:20 AM
This week's sarcasm, I mean, ticker! 31 Weeks!
See the lovely ticker above? Well a very funny lady who writes a very funny blog that I love worked with a great baby site called "Baby Gaga", and they developed a much more REALISTIC version of those adorable little pregnancy development tickers. So I decided to share them here. This one is particularly accurate. Love our lil' girl!
Here's this week sarcasm, I mean, ticker, for 31 weeks:
Posted by
7:41 AM
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Name Game Clue 3
Here is the Name Game clue for week 30:
Her MIDDLE name has less than three syllables.
Keep those guesses coming!
(when guessing, let us know if you are guessing a first or a middle name, or both)
Posted by
7:25 PM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
7th Month Appointment
We had our 7th month appointment at our OB/GYN today.
We're doing great!
Her heart rate was in the 150's, which is normal. She made it VERY easy to find, she was very cooperative this time.
We're measuring right on at 29 weeks, belly speaking.
My blood pressure was great, and all those other things they test for were fine, too. Blood sugar measurements look good.
I have to start kick counts! You measure how long it takes to feel 10 movements from the baby once a day, and record it on a worksheet.
There's a higher rate of cesarean births in women with gestational diabetes (like me), but the doctor said we're good candidates for a vaginal birth, since our little girl's growth is right on track.
Our next growth scan is on September 22nd at Virtua.
Next OB appointment is Oct. 2nd. Have to get a blood test for anemia (standard).
So everything's looking good!!!
Posted by
5:42 PM
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Name Game Clue 2
This week's Name Game clue:
For at least the past 20 years, her name has NOT appeared on the Social Security department’s list of top 20 most popular girls’ names.
Posted by
8:05 PM
Monday, September 04, 2006
Name Game Clue 1
This weeks's Name Game clue:
In a popular baby website’s poll, users were asked to attribute character traits to names. Based on her name, public opinion predicts our baby to be:
- Beautiful: 16%
- Exotic: 2%
- Attractive: 8%
- Pretty: 9%
- Plain: 0%
- Homely: 0%
- Ugly: 0%
- Cute: 5%
- Sophisticated: 12%
- Confident: 11%
- Outgoing: 8%
- Funny: 4%
- Serious: 2%
- Shy: 2%
- Geeky: 0%
- Feminine: 12%
…of course, some things are left up to genetics. Like the ‘geeky’ part.
Posted by
10:29 AM
Welcome to Baby D's Blog!
This is a site we've created to post updates on our little girl-to-be. We'll be adding pictures, info, and a little thing we like to call: "The Name Game".
We're not sharing the name we've chosen for Baby D. But if you'd like to guess, as many of our friends and relatives seem to, we'll be posting a little clue each week. You can guess as many times as you like! Just click "post a comment" below the clue. You'll be asked to type in a series of letters that you see on the screen, as a security measure (to keep the evil blog-spammers away).
We'll be sure to let you know who guessed right...when baby makes her debut.
We also have a few highlights and links to the left, intended to be helpful for family & friends.
- We have our kiddo's latest "head shot", which we will hopefully be able to keep updated monthly thanks to the wonder of growth scans.
- We also have a recent picture of us, Bob & Meg (Daddy & Mommy) so you can try to mentally fuse our facial features together and transplant them onto a baby's head to see what Baby D. will look like.
- There's also "Sites-To-See", a few links to other websites.
- Our online baby pool! Guess baby's gender (duh), arrival date & time, weight, and length. Prizes will be awarded to the most accurate guesser, as well as to anybody who doesn't indicate that baby will be very late and over 9 pounds. *ow!*
- Our baby registry at Baby Depot.
- Our family web album, full of nursery shots, baby shower shots, family events, and all kinds of other good stuff (like doggie Max with his butt sticking out of the clothes hamper).
~ Bob & Meg
Posted by
10:05 AM